Case Study

Third Street Brewhouse

Reach for the Peach

A craft brewery with roots dating back to 1874, Third Street Brewhouse has garnered a loyal following with its year round favorites and seasonal specialties. Having experienced success with its light lagers, Third Street began introducing flavored lagers under its Minnesota Gold Micro family. Working closely with Third Street leadership, Moxie developed a fully integrated campaign to introduce Micro Peach to the masses.

Instantly recognizable for its engaging visual style, vibrant colors, and bold, vintage type, the resulting campaign introduced Micro Peach in a fun, exciting new way. And just in time for summer!

Leveraging the popularity of the peach emoji, the tagline “Hello Sweet Cheeks,” grabbed attention while appealing to younger audiences. The “low carb, low calorie” and “all natural flavors and sweeteners” messaging was received favorably.

Landing pages, unique billboards, and social media posts brought the campaign to life, while posters, coasters, and stickers brought the imagery to the customers.